Saturday, October 3, 2009

A boring festival

Today is Mooncake Festival but it is not a good day for me as dear is not here to celebrate with me. It has been 2 days since dear has gone back to hometown. When dear is here, i used to fight with him. But when dear is not here, i feel so lonely. Sounds so funny. Maybe this is what people always say, people always don't appreciate what are around them. I take everything too granted. Happiness is not granted. I should have to learn to appreciate instead of asking for more and more. Still left 20 days before dear come back. This will be really a hard time for me. Has nobody to talk to at home. College is full with back stabbers and gossipers. Secondary school friends and TARC friends are all busy with their own lives. Dear really plays a very important role in my life. He not only my boyfriend, but also my best friend. Without him, i really don't know to whom I can talk to when I have any problem. Hope the coming 20 days can pass really soon...