Sunday, August 22, 2010


Dear has finally attended his graduation. I have also spent 2 precious days with dear and his family. It was so great and wonderful until I feel like it was a dream. Dream will end and I will have to wake up at the last, where weekend will also end and I need to back to home. I cried when back to home. Suddenly I realize that last time when I just started my ECD course and move to hostel, I also can only see dear once a week, but I never feel that depress. Its the totally the different story now. I'm so depress for can't see and hug dear everyday. Dear becomes more and more important to me. I'm not sure is this good or bad. Dear's dad tries to get a job for him and it is at Australia. I wish dear could get it. Dear will has a really high paid job and bright future if he can get it. But even he is at Rawang now, I already feel so depress. What will happen to me if dear work at Australia? I think this do bother dear as well. I'm so sad that I have become a burden to dear. What happen to my life? Why everything become upside down. How I wish everything can back to one or two years ago when dear and I still staying in TBR, when I can see and hug dear everyday and every night. I love dear too much too much...